
Things could have been worse for factory worker

A factory worker from Cheshire had a narrow escape when his arm was dragged into a conveyor belt as he tried to help to clean it. Although he could have lost his arm completely, this ‘lucky’ worker got away with a crushed hand, broken elbow, extensive bruising and several weeks of absence.
His employer, however, was found to be responsible for the accident that could have so easily cost the man his arm. An investigation into the accident revealed that a contributing factor was the absence of an appropriate guard that could prevent this type of incident from occurring. The company in question has since taken the appropriate action to avoid a recurrence of the problem.
These kinds of incidents highlight just how important both Health and Safety Training and First Aid Training can be in the workplace. The manufacturing industry can be a particularly dangerous place to work if adequate training is not provided and if preventative measures are not put into place.
The Health and Safety Executive reported just under twenty thousand minor accidents in this sector in the last year in the UK, and over four thousand major accidents, with some workers losing their lives.